Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saya tak Biased !!! -respond to the last entry-

Assalamualaikum ! =)

this entry is a respond to the last entry .

If any of you have red THIS !
I just want to tell that I'm NOT BIASED !!

err apa kena mengena biased dgn entry kamu yg lepas -.-''

ok . alkisah .
lepas aku link entry yg lepas tu dekat FB,
ade la seorang kawan aku hamba Allah ni cakap .

~  weyh, biased gile kau . story pasal Aiman Azlan je . 
kau pun layan jugak Matluthfi, Anwar hadi dgn Hlovate.
kau suka Aiman Azlan ni ke story pasal dia je ?

adoiyaii . kamu ta faham maksud saya ni kawan -.-'

Kebetulan masa tu, org tgh baca blog Aiman Azlan. 
lepas tu tergerak pulak jari ni na tulis blog pasal beliau.
that's ALL !!

As for Matluthfi, His vlog was super funny and still have the message . 

typical drama melayu . wakakakkk

Matluthfi jadi K-pop !! LULUfifi xD

Anwar Hadi pulak =D

for me, this is the Coolest one . EWWWW !!

latest one from Anwar Hadi. Seni itu ?

Lastly, novelist HLOVATE !

I heart her novels xD

Rooftop Ranch
5 Tahun 5 Bulan
aA + bB
Versus ( owned ) xD

kalau nak tau macam mana story semua novel ni . 
baca la sendiri . 
kalau da story kat sini ta thrill laa xD

ok . ini semua cukup tak na tunjukkan bahawasanya saya tak BIASED ! 


# next entry na tulis pasal pengalaman clinical posting sepanjang tahun ni. InsyaAllah =)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Inspired by ... Him . Thank you dude !

Assalamualaikum !

 ingat kalau orang  bagi salam kena jawab

Waalaikumsalam .

ingat sampai mati . faham .

( tiba-tiba takde motif xD)

back to the title ..
recently I've been inspired by someone .
He's no one that I know in my real life .
He's a totally unknown guy . 
he WOW's me with his thought about Islam . 

the way he interpret and the way he deliver it to us is very simple . 
He's good in tackling topics . 
sometimes ther are a cheap shot too xDD ( terasa tersentap sendiri xD )

some people might feels cheesy .
I want to change .

but how ??
when to start ??
what the first step ??
how to maintain ??
this kind of thought that disturbing me -.-

I need someone ( brother or sister ) to guide me to His way .
being a student that travelling a lot for practical session and meeting new people .
It just seems pretty hard =(

but . whenever I read his site . watch his vlog .
I feel at ease and somehow he show me how to be a muslimah in this millenium
--cheewahhh --

Thank You Allah for bringing him to me .
he's not a prophet yet he's a caliph that managed to show Your Islam to me . 
he is Aiman Azlan . a total stranger but he's my wake up call . hehe . 

thank you again dude =)
This guy is not a prophet .