Friday, February 25, 2011

keGILAan melanda !!

take note !!

saya JAHAT    !  !
jgn la caye dgn muke nih ! penipu besar ! gamba pon edit !

pengakuan berani mati nihh  =.=

what ? tak percaye ke ?
ini bukan sesi merendah diri oke .
memang saya jahat sebab saya TAK BAIK  !!

ade few person je yang akan cakap aku baik .
itu pun diorang nak jage hati aku je . tau tu .

hahahahah . ~gile jap~
aku tak ley buat macam ni kat FB , 
macam nak mintak 'simpati' guys je aku tgk .
ye ye je ngaku jahat , hipokrit , kejam , blablabla .
pastu aku tengok layan comment nak tacinkTACINK je . 
jadahh hapee  =.=

aku ni ketegori memang kuang ajoo punye budak tau !

dah la selalu gado2 ngan ibu n ayah . adikADIK tayah cite aa .
dengan membe pon , aku bukan baik sangat .
ade je nak cari problem .

so , kesimpulannye ,

sekian .time kasih .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

1st entry for 2011 ~~ kes malas nk update xD

w00t !!

today is February , 25th , 2011 . 
and this is my first post for this year .
dang . !! lame gile tak update . last updated 15/12/2010 .  owhh hhooo  !!

shortcut !
sape je nak bace kalo banyakBANYAK sangat kan . 
membebel gileGILE babi kawKAW pun x gune hape .
so entry ni story ape yg TERterbit kat otak aku malam ni je .

1st) Posting SS1
. awesome . down . DRAMA . happy 
satu ayat diatas mewakili millions of story . 
memang macamMACAM la yg jadi . 
 p/s :: kene puji dgn senior SRN n DOCTOR . xke bangge tuhh  =p

cikNisa is wearing lenses now . 
since I lost my spectacles in a tragedic ways . 
I made up my mind to wear lens . 
and I DID IT !! ^^

3) more CONFIDENT ?
thanks to the lens . my confident level is increasing . 
- I think so ? 
yeaa , semakin ramah dgn semua orang . 
at least tak la diCAP sombong , and tak la pulak terlebih keRAMAHannye .

4) LOW self-esteem ( pulak daa )
oke , when it comes to 'crush' stuff . 
memang automatically aku akan rase rendah diri gileGILE. 
bukan hape , da fed up . 
suke someone , someone tu plak suke membe kite . 
haizzzz . sangat TAK suke >.<
sebab aq x cute , white , petite ke ?
tah la . 

orang ckp . nisa, just be urself . 
myself . u mean  bengong , mcm opah , kuat makan . super hipokrit . 
not a good girl and not too bad ( lil' baik bitchy sometimes) . 
oww , not a perfect choices la . sory . 

as long as I know that I have my family and my friends who will be there for me,
when I down or in difficulties .
fatin , fitz , akim , ashley , sabiela , ghany , hasnul , fijay , daush .  
I don't care about others .
this is just perfect  . 

toddles ~~